An innovation in the treatment of diarrhea

Для лікарів

Diarrhea is a symptom of indigestion, which manifests itself in the form of unformed or liquid stools three or more times a day, with the release of fecal matter in the volume of more than 200 ml.

Bristol Stool Form Scale

Type 1

Severe constipation

Separate hard lumps, similar to nuts, which are difficult to expel

Type 2

Mild constipation

Sausage shape with a lumpy surface

Type 3


Sausage shape with a ribbed surface

Type 4


The shape of a sausage or a snake, the stool is smooth and soft

Type 5

Тendency to diarrhea

Soft lumps with even edges

Type 6


Unformed pieces with uneven edges, mushy stool

Type 7

Severe diarrhea

Watery stool without solid particles

The effectiveness of diosmectite and electrolytes, as confirmed by clinical studies

Malaysian Research

A double-blind, randomized study of the effectiveness of diosmectite in 300 children aged 1-36 months. Patients were randomized into groups with diosmectite in combination with electrolytes, vs placebo.

Scheme for taking diosmectite:
A course of 6 g/day (for children 1–12 months) and 12 g/day (for children 13–36 months), for at least 3 days, until complete recovery.


Reduction in stool volume in the diosmectite + electrolytes group, as compared with placebo + electrolytes, by 50%.



A double-blind, randomized study of the effectiveness of diosmectite in 302 children aged 1-36 months. Patients were randomized into groups with diosmectite in combination with electrolytes, vs placebo.


Scheme for taking diosmectite:

A course of 6 g/day (for children 1–12 months) and 12 g/day (for children 13–36 months), for at least 3 days, until complete recovery.


Reduction in the duration of diarrhea in the diosmectite + electrolytes group, as compared with placebo, by 43%.

The full publication of the study can be found at the link.

Please note that D-ORS may be taken by children from the age of two years.

According to most European and world recommendations and treatment protocols, the first step in the treatment of diarrhea is to restore the water-electrolyte balance. Oral rehydration solutions, namely electrolytes, are prescribed for this purpose. It is especially important to maintain the proportions of electrolytes in the composition of the product.

The electrolyte composition of the D-ORS product was developed in accordance with the recommendations of the ESPGHAN organization – the European Association of Pediatricians, Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutritionists. The above-mentioned studies showed that the simultaneous intake of electrolytes and diosmectite leads to an acceleration of recovery by 43%, and a reduction in the volume of fecal matter by 50% within 72 hours.

D-ORS is a unique product containing electrolytes and diosmectite, with no analogues in the territory of Ukraine.